Sunday, December 29, 2019

Homelessness Is An Ever Growing Epidemic - 2124 Words

Clifford Richardson Student at Marylhurst University Prepared for Professor Scott Stringer March 17, 2016 Abstract In the complex society of this day and age, homelessness is an ever growing epidemic; People can become homeless for many reasons: losing a job, addiction to drugs and mental illness. People drive or walk past a homeless person every day without thinking ever about the predicament of that individual or they may even unintentionally turn their heads the other way in repulsion. Homelessness can be defined as an individual or a family whose has a main nighttime dwelling that is a public or private place not designed for or normally used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, including a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, or camping ground, doorway or alley sidewalk. Any given night in Portland there can be upwards of 4000 people sleeping on the streets in homeless camps, shelters, or under the bridges, this report looks at the direct correlation between homelessness, the disease of drug addiction, and mental illness, And will try to address way s to help decrease and prevent it from increasing. Introduction/Background Have you ever walked in Downtown Portland with sole intention of paying attention to the details of your surroundings? A person would think that the first thing that they would notice is the beautiful architecture of the buildings or maybe the many statues and fountains that line theShow MoreRelated Homelessness in america Essay1369 Words   |  6 Pages Homelessness in America nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Here in Tahoe, we are lucky enough to experience a great quality of life, and only a few have to face the horrible life of poverty and homelessness. However, nationwide, even right outside the basin, homelessness is a growing epidemic across the country. There are many ways one can become homeless; for the most part poverty. There are also different concentrations of homeless in different types of terrain, such as urban or suburban areas. LastRead MoreHomelessness in America Essay1414 Words   |  6 PagesHomelessness in America Here in Tahoe, we are lucky enough to experience a great quality of life, and only a few have to face the horrible life of poverty and homelessness. However, nationwide, even right outside the basin, homelessness is a growing epidemic across the country. There are many ways one can become homeless; for the most part poverty. There are also different concentrations of homeless in different types of terrain, such as urban or suburban areas. Last, there is the ever- growingRead MoreEssay on Solving Homelessness1416 Words   |  6 PagesSolving Homelessness Nationwide homelessness is a growing epidemic across the country. There are many ways an individual can become homeless, for the most part it is poverty. There are also different concentrations of homeless in different types of environments, such as urban or suburban areas. Last, there is the ever-growing homeless population, and how much money it costs us for others to live in poverty. A way we can help find the solution to this problem, is to know the facts about this lingeringRead MoreWhy Do People Become Homelss1750 Words   |  7 PagesAND WHY IT DOESN’T STOP LAVERNA MOORER ARGOSY UNIVERSITY Abstract This paper is going to present to you why people become homeless and why it does not stop Homelessness is a problem that have getting out of hands because of not addressing the situation on time. The focus is not so much the why but, if it will ever stop. 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Social forces such asRead MoreFactors Affecting The Homeless Epidemic Essay1611 Words   |  7 Pages4. Different There are a lot of factors that construe the homeless epidemic. Factors the contribute to homelessness includes job loss, divorce, domestic abuse, foreclosure of home, serious illness, mental and physical illness, substance abuse and even natural disasters all help to contribute to homelessness. Which shows it can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion and even social class. Even with government regulations, there can occur a loss of financial sustainabilityRead MoreHomelessness in the United States952 Words   |  4 PagesThe purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of poverty on young children and their families. The focus will be on homelessness and how the child is affected in two major settings: the home, or lack of, and school. In both of these settings, children are impacted by different social forces and must push through barriers that are set before them given their circumstance. â€Å"Living without permanent, long-term housing creates a nu mber of stressors for children and families, but being homelessRead MoreHomelessness in American1645 Words   |  7 PagesHomelessness in America Homelessness in America has always been an issue but it has become an even bigger issue over the past years. With a world filled with global conflict, disappearing jobs, higher education cost, and increasing poverty in America, the homeless need our help more than ever. Just last year, the national poverty rate rose to include 13.2 % of the population. Also, 3.5 million people were forced to sleep in parks, shelters, under bridges or in cars. Hunger and homelessness are

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Functions of Management Paper - 803 Words

Functions of Management Paper nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. All four of these functions of management are used through out each and every type of business out there in the world. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The first function of management is planning. Planning is â€Å"specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals.† Planning includes analyzing current situations, looking into the future of the company, deciding what activities the company should look into and determining resources needed to achieve the goals. In my place of employment, at a local hospital,†¦show more content†¦The nurses’ jobs are also planned because the nurses have specific jobs that they need to do before the doctors even go into the see the patients. Planning is used through all of the hospital each day in the way that each job is performed. Planning is helpful because it allows for every employee to know what they are supposed to do everyday and what their job title means. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The second function of management is organizing. Organizing is â€Å"assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals.† Organizing is used a lot in my particular job as a front desk person because I need to organize all of my paperwork and other materials so that I know what is needed for each patient that comes into the office. As my job at the front desk, I need to check patients in, know what forms need to be signed or filled out, and if what needs to go into their charts. By me organizing all of the paperwork it allows me to know better what each patient needs to do when they come in for their appointments. By organizing I can look at the face sheet with all of the patients’ information on it and know exactly what they need to sign. The face sheets allow me to write on the paper if I need to copy insurance cards, if the patient needs a referral, if there is a co-pay to be collected, their address, phone number, place of employment, etc. All of this organizing helps in the planning ofShow MoreRelatedFunctions of Management Paper1472 Words   |  6 PagesRunning Head: FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT Functions of Management Paper University of Phoenix Management: Theory, Practice, Application MGT/330 October 20, 2007 Introduction The following paper is a definition of Management and its functions as well as an explanation on how these functions relate to my organization. Read MoreA reflective paper on the four functions of management. And applying them to real life.1109 Words   |  5 Pages(Reflective Paper) By Roderick Smith Good and effective management is vital to the dynamics of a forward moving society. This is true in all organizations, including business and government. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

A day … in the life Free Essays

I wake with a constant mix of white noise acoustic guitar and the tortured lyrics of two broken men. This noise bleeds in through my ears. Why? Without it would I even know if I was awake? After the humdrum morning routine, philosophical conversation with Clo on the way to the bus stop and the inevitable journey on wonderful public transport I arrive at school. We will write a custom essay sample on A day †¦ in the life or any similar topic only for you Order Now School this eternal lapse between comfort zones and paranoia. Comfort zones the lessons and places I’m comfortable in where I can really be me. Like drama selling line after line. I stretch the truth like a crooked sales man lie like a cheap Italian watch, showing all my emotions by portraying others. Some thing that is now so natural like I was born with it like the ability to breath. Paranoia, looking over my back makes me feel weak like a one armed boxer throwing punch after punch, after punch I’m so tired I give in I’ m surprised when they duck. Sometimes I get so tired of getting out of bed but who would want to die like a cowardly little child? The doctors tell me there is nothing wrong with me so why do I get so full of anger, regret, and hatred? I got a trigger inside! Who doesn’t know how to pull it? In the last year school has become easier but only slightly. The new found ease is all down the beautiful and profound idea of â€Å"options† being able to leave dull subjects behind in search of ones more to your interests making my life easier and the whole year generally happier. I’m not saying after options it all becomes perfect over night because schools still have the same problems as before the ones that schools pretend aren’t there. But as we all know the future is more important than the present and my future will be a very bright and shinny one in fact my future will be orange. I see one supposed upside to school seeing my friends and my actual friends. There are some people who I really like and others I have nil time or respect for but I play politics. Who needs enemies? My real friends are the ones I know I can trust, the ones that I conclude to make school worth attending. The rest of the people I am seen with at school are all sort of bellow my level sort of unaware of the wonderful world we live in and all its great events that are there to bring peace love and enjoyment to our day. Don’t get me wrong most of them are wonderful people but pay some attention the world does not revolve around your friends and your love life. My dream in life is to be a business man, actor, film maker, and comedian. Comedy is some thing that seems to come very naturally to me I love to make others laugh. I have always had a very mature sense of humor I am very into satire and those sketches with ridiculous but some how believable situations. I like my entertainment to be of quality but to also have a message. When people ask what I want to be I always tell them I want to be an international man of mystery. The only person who really knows what I’m talking about is me. I want to be an entertainer but that is all I want to be I don’t want the following or the paps outside my door when I go to collect my milk or if I have left something in the car. I guess what I’m trying to get is simply this, I want to entertain people weather that be with business and product or film, comedy or television I also want the fortune ( a man needs to eat) the notoriety but not to be a brand. Do I ask for to much? Can I do it? Have I got it in me? I hope so. I would I have to admit that I do actually quite enjoy school but I also like the occasional sneaky day off with a â€Å"head ache†. The subjects I enjoy tend to be the ones were you get free reign over what you do like English no one tells you how much to write or how or what. I also like my computer based subjects I. C. T and digital applications I also enjoy science but not as much as I used to there’s me thinking it would get better in year 10. But no! Were doing reports. Not good. But no matter how much I enjoy school I enjoy after school ten times more being allowed to take one hour in walking one mile that feels like a gift to me. Being able to just collapse and eat sleep and eat and watch the endless black hole of programmes made by and for severely brainless people on television. Go on my laptop, download applications that I don’t actually need, music that I won’t listen to unless iTunes shuffles to it, films I wont watch and television programmes that I want to watch when â€Å"I† want to. Although I take pleasure in my times after school with freedom, Saturday is the most important day of the week the ultimate day of freedom no bed times no rules eat what I like do what I like go where I like with who I want to do it with no obligation to see anyone. At the moment most of my weekends are spent with my wonderful girlfriend and vision of beautiful perfection April. She’s the kind of girl makes life worth living its fun what ever we do as long as were together Some times I just look into her eyes and I know I’m happy well more like contented no desire to move or do anything else than to just look into her eyes . Our time together is more precious than diamonds or gold it is invaluable to me. Some times I pinch my self just to make sure its not dream. When I first met April I was in town with a friend I only went because I was told that I was to meet a girl. When I arrived outside McDonalds to meet my friend Heather who was the only one of this random constructed group I had ever laid eyes on before that. Sure I had spoken to April online but never seen her in the flesh and who where the others witch part of obscurity where they plucked from? and then I saw April she looked simply irresistible like a Hollywood beauty queen of old but like all Hollywood queens she had her entourage featuring her two best friends one either side her. Heather introduced us I said Hey and waved at her. She almost did exactly the same but after the wave came a smile that melted my heart that moment triggered shy mode: my hand snapped straight into the pockets of my jeans, my shoulders tensed I dared not do or say anything. 30 minutes, a solo trip to virgin and the stalking of two business men past the orange phone shop had passed before she spoke to me. She moved several paces away from her protection that eased me slightly so I took my hand out of my right pocket and lent it on her shoulder and said â€Å"so how are you? Then something trivial occurred witch distracted everyone so she cut short answer, then a scruffy looking unemployed man I know that much about him because who else where’s camouflage jackets and buys a big Mac for breakfast? Looked straight at me then said something. At that point I took my arm off of her shoulder looked into her eyes and said confidently like it was a perfectly normal activity, April lets follow Him! We walked briskly behind him so that he noticed just to make a point. After finally thinking I could be alone with her and get know her better but alas cut short was our time alone as there was noise and a voice behind us as half her entourage caught up. But that didn’t matter because at that point she took my and she has never let go. My usual Saturday activity is going into town spending my parent’s money on food and junk that I don’t actually want or need. This is called shopping or giving into to money grabbing organizations when I could be saving this money and putting it towards something practical mainly an item of consumer electronics some thing I have a big affiliation with. People who enjoy consumer electronics as much as I do are labeled as techys a clever take on the word treckie the term for star trek fans. My few on electronics is simple there is always one that is greater than the others and one that sells more than the others never normally the same thing witch has to said is a shame. But on reflection I would actually rather be buying pointless stuff with friends in town than being all alone at home with a new gadget I can’t win. To me a Sunday is the day of rest a lazy day to recover one from the activities of Saturday a wind down before restarting for school on the Monday. A day for big dinners, being old fashioned and staying at home with family, or going out. But all in all Sundays are generally for being lazy. I used to like walking into town Sundays even though no decent shops open it just seemed calmer and quieter like an arctic village or a sleepy Cotswold hamlet. I guess I’m just impressed at the transition between Saturday and Sunday. A day in the life of me it’s not really that bad. I suppose. How to cite A day †¦ in the life, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Political Economy Of Transnational Business -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Political Economy Of Transnational Business? Answer: Introduction Change management is being initiated by the contemporary business organizations in order to adapt to the change in the market or business scenario. This is due to the reason that, the current business scenario is having much more competition. Change management is being implemented in different operational sectors of the business organizations (Hornstein 2015). Thus, the more effective will be the alignment and coordination of the departments of the business organizations, the more efficient will be the implementation of the change management. However, implementation of the change management is having different barriers that should be effectively identified. This is due to the reason that, implementation of the change management involves determination of the interest of different stakeholders in the organization (Altamony et al. 2016). ANZ bank is one of the leading financial institutions in the Australia with having their market presence in different locations around the world (Our company | ANZ 2018). They have implemented successful change management in their internal management under the leadership of their CEO John McFarlane in the late 1990s. However, though there are various competitive advantages being gained by them through the initiation of the change management, there are various issues also being faced by them. Moreover, the change management in ANZ bank involves the huge role of leadership due to the reason that, the role played by their CEO was one of the key factors for the successful implementation of the change management. This report will discuss about the key transformation being identified during the tenure of John McFarlane in ANZ bank. Moreover, the challenges being faced by the organization in the initiation of the change management will also be discussed in this report. The role of the leadership in managing the change management in the organization will also be discussed in this report. In accordance to the issues being identified, various recommendations will be discussed in this report. Key aspects of the organizational transformation of ANZ bank One of the key organizational transformations being initiated at the time of the John McFarlane is stopping the trend of the closure of the branches in different locations. This is being done due to the reason that, in the late 1990s, there was public outrage regarding the closure of the bank branches (Seltzer, 2017). Thus, under his leadership, ANZ bank stopped the process and initiated in catering to more number of the customers. Thus, it helped them to create favorable image in the market by going against the business trend. Initiation of the gender equality John McFarlane initiated the gender equality in the organization due to the reason prior to his appointment, there were no female candidate in the higher level management of the ANZ bank. Thus, initiation of the gender equality in the higher level management helped the organization to gain goodwill in the market (Roberts 2015). On the other hand, it also helped them to adhere to the corporate social responsibilities. Gaining of the goodwill in the market helped ANZ bank to create positive impression among the customers compared to their competitors. Cost cutting initiatives Two of the revenue generating options available for the business organizations is the increase in the profitability of the organization and reducing the cost of the operation. Under the leadership of the John McFarlane, ANZ bank initiated the process of the cost cutting initiatives. However, in due course of the cost cutting initiatives, the number of jobs is not being cut. He had initiated bailing out the investment being done in the developing countries, internal operations are being restructured and partial operations are being outsourced (Handley and Benton 2013). Thus, the average cost of operation is being reduced, which further enhanced their profitability. Enhancement of the organizational culture In the competitive business scenario, organizational culture is important to gain competitive advantages. This is due to the reason that, the more effective will be the organizational culture, the more will be quality of the customer service along with enhanced productivity of the employees. In the case of the ANZ bank, John McFarlane initiated the change in the organizational culture (Buschqens, Bausch and Balkin 2013). This is due to the reason that, according to him, if the organizational culture can be made favorable, then competitive advantages can be gained from the side of the employees. In accordance to this policy, John McFarlane identified and benchmarked some of the top organizations in the market known for their effective organizational culture. Moreover, the employees are also being involved in the process of creating the new organizational culture. This is the different approach to what ANZ bank was having before. Involvement of the opinions of the employees in determining the organizational culture helped to cover the diverse requirements of all the associated stakeholders in the organization. Various initiatives are being take care of in enhancing the organizational performance (Azanza, Moriano and Molero 2013). Measures such as initiation of the motivation plan for the employees by providing reward to the employees are being started. Thus, involving the feedback of the employees, providing reward and recognition to them and initiation of the customer oriented approach helped the organization to have an effective and favorable organizational culture. Initiation of the leadership development program Under the leadership of John McFarlane, ANZ bank initiated the leadership training and development program for their managers. Hey have initiated different programs for identifying and developing talents in the organization. Various managerial levels including the middle and the lower levels are being included in the training and development program. This helped to have the future leaders ready in place along with managing the employees effectively. Challenges in the change management Implementation of the change management is having various challenges to be faced in the organization. This is due to the reason that, initiation of the change management is having the negative and positive impact on different stakeholders. Thus, stakeholders having or perceiving negative impact from the initiation of the change management will have more chance to resist. The following sections will discuss about the challenges being faced by the managers. Resistance from the side of the employees is one of the most common challenges being faced by the managers in initiating the change management. This is due to the reason that, initiation of the change management involves loss of jobs for the employees. In the given case of the ANZ bank, it is being stated that, John McFarlane had outsourced some of their operational activities and changed the location of their offices in order to cut the cost. However, outsourcing involves loss of jobs in the organization, which will have negative impact on the employees (Bateh, Castaneda and Farah 2013). Thus, according to the power interest matrix, employees are having more interest in the process of the change management than having the power. Thus, they will resist this kind of organizational change. Resistance can also be originated from the side of the management also. This is due to the reason that, the approach of the change process may not meet the criterion of the higher management. For instance, in the case of the ANZ bank, it is being stated that, John McFarlane initiated the change in the organizational culture by involving the feedback from the employees (Baker et al. 2013). He also concentrated more on involving the employee opinion on the management activities, which was different from the existing culture of the organization. Thus, this caused in the emergence of the conflict in the management. There may have managers who will have reservations in involving the employees in their activities. Thus, managers in the change management process will also have to face the challenges from the side of the higher level management. Diversity in the organization and in their workforce will also prove as a challenge for the managers in implementing the process of the change management. This is due to the reason that, diversified workforce comprise of employees from different social and cultural backgrounds (Hafsi and Turgut 2013). Therefore, the particular approach of the change management process may not adhere to the different requirement and expectation of the employees. In the case of the ANZ bank, they are having their market presence in different locations around the world. Thus, different locations will have different level of acceptance towards the organizational culture. It will be a challenge for the managers to initiate the process of the change management according to the need of different cultural and social criterion. The current market scenario is much more challenging and competitive in nature. Moreover, the trend and requirement of the customers are changing more frequently. Thus, it is one of the key challenges for the mangers to initiate the change process in the organization according to the change in the market trend and requirement (van den Heuvel et al. 2013). In addition, initiation of the change management involves cost for the organization. Thus, will be difficult for the managers to initiate the process of change management frequently according to the change in the market. Attributes of key leaders at ANZ bank In the given case study, the key attributes of the leadership roles in the ANZ bank are being discussed. There are various positive and negative attributes being discussed in the case study. Two leaders of ANZ bank are being stated in the case namely, John McFarlane and Michael Smith. Following sections will discuss about the key attributes of the leaders being discussed in the case. One of the key attributes of John McFarlane is his well rounded approaches. This is due to the reason that, in the case study, it is being stated that, John McFarlane is having equal concentration towards personal and professional life. Thus, it helped the organization to have the same approaches for the employees. John McFarlane motivated his employees to have proper work life balance, which in turn enhanced their effectiveness and productivity (Isaacs 2016). Therefore, the transformational approach of the leadership style of John McFarlane helped to have positive influence on the employees. Prior to the joining ANZ bank, John McFarlane is having huge corporate experience. Thus, it helped him to not repeat the issues being faced by him in his early careers. On the other hand, the vast corporate experience of him also helped the ANZ bank to gain rich leadership ideas (Guerrero and Pena-Legazkue 2013). Thus, the direction of him got enhanced with the past experience being gathered by him. John McFarlane also known for the social and customer oriented approach (Mukerjee 2013). In the case study it is being stated that, majority of the aspects of the change management being initiated by him are customer and society oriented. This helped to involve the associated stakeholders in the change management process along with reducing the chance of origination of the resistance. On the other hand, Michael Smith was being selected as the successor of John McFarlane. One of the key attributes for him is also the vast corporate experiences. In the case study, it is being stated that, Michael Smith is having experience of being the former head of HSBC Asian banking division (Brockner, Senior and Welch 2014). Thus, it is also helpful for the organization to gain the vast experiences of the leader. Another key attribute of the Michael Smith is the acceptance towards the use of latest technologies (Peek et al. 2014). This is due to the fact that, in the case study, it is being stated that, Michael Smith has initiated the use of the latest technologies in the organization. Thus, the more acceptable will be the leader towards the latest technologies, the more will be the effectiveness of the leader in the organization. Recommendations Thus, in the above discussion, there are various issues being emerged in the process of the change management. The following sections will discuss about the recommended steps to overcome the identified issues. Change management models such as Lewins model of change management will be used to determine the recommended steps. The first step of the Lewins model of change management is Unfreezing. This step refers to the process of communicating with the associated stakeholders in the change management process along with involving the feedback of the stakeholders who are having interest in the change process (Shirey 2013). This is important due to the reason that, prior to the implementation of the change management, it is important that the employees and other associated stakeholders should have the knowledge and understanding. This will help to reduce the probability of having resistance from the side of the employees. It is being recommended that, the managers responsible for the implementation of the change management should first communicate with all the associated stakeholders regarding the change process and the motive of the implementing the change. This will help in having a mutual understanding and coordination among the stakeholders prior to the initiation of the change. The next step in the Lewins model of change is the changing process. In this step, the transition from the existing process to the new process is being initiated (Sarayreh, Khudair and Barakat 2013). In this step, the managing skill of the leaders will be tested due to the reason that, employees will face the difficulty in adapting to the new process. Thus, it is being recommended that, mangers should have the effective skill of management in having seamless process of change in the organization. Moreover, it is also being recommended that, the feedback from the employees should be gathered in due course of change process in order to identify the shortcomings of the process. The last step of the Lewins model of change is refreezing. This step refers to the process of bringing stability in the organization after the implementation of the change (Cummings, Bridgeman and Brown 2016). This step includes aligning the employees with the new change process in the organization. Providence of the training and development programs for the employees are also being included in this step. It is being recommended that, managers should follow the transformational style of leadership in the organization to have the long lasting impact of the implemented change. This is due to the reason that, it is important for the managers to determine the challenges being faced by the employees in adapting the new culture in the organization. Thus, the managers should gather the feedback from the employees regarding the new process in the organization and rectifying it accordingly. Conclusion Thus, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that, initiation of the change management in the organization is having both opportunities and challenges to be faced by the managers. This report discussed about the attributes of the leaders of ANZ bank being mentioned in the given case. It is being seen that, both the leaders of ANZ bank are having various positive attributes, which helped them to drive the organization effectively. In addition, this report also discussed about the benefits being gained by ANZ bank from the initiation of the change process along with identifying the issues to be faced by the managers. This report concludes that, there are few challenges to be faced by the managers in the process of the change management. 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