Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Communication Marketing Management Digital -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Communication Marketing Management Digital? Answer: Introducation Novotel hotel is a premier beach hotel with 4-star accommodation facilities and it is a part of Accor Hotels Group. Novotel Hotel is situated in more than 60 countries with approximately 400 hotels and resorts. The first hotel under the name Novotel was established in 1967 in Lille Lesquin, France. Its headquarters is situated in Evry, France and approximately 30, 000 employees are working with this hotel across the globe. Organization has now decided to expand its operations and for the same, they had chosen the St. Kilda beachside location in order to expand their hotel business. This location has been chosen with the motive to attract the families to spend their vacations, for weekend trips as well as for the business class people as they are famous in providing leisured experience in business meetings and conferences. St Kilda location is surrounded by beach and with the finest locations of the city which helps the organization to attract large segment of audience in order to inc rease their turnover along with gaining the competitive advantage. Primary objective of setting up the hotel at the beachside is to provide the travellers sea view, relax and enriched experience along with various adventurous and entertainment related facilities. Staying at the beach side helps the people to reduce the stress level and along with this, it also helps them to gain unique peaceful and relaxing experience which helps the travellers to feel positive about the location. With the help of Novotel St Kilda, organization will be able to uplift its performance in the market along with gaining adequate competitive advantage in the target market. Apart from this, it is also necessary for the objective to increase the goodwill and brand value of the organization in Melbourne. With the help of Novotel St Kilda, organization will be able to attain its desired goals and the objectives (Novotel Hotels Resorts, 2018). Research methods This report is completed with the help of data collected from both resources i.e. primary as well as secondary source of research method. With the help of these methods, organization has gained the adequate information through which the accomplishment of the desired goals could easily be done. Primary research method includes two sources i.e. qualitative data and the quantitative data. Qualitative data helps the organization to gain the information in relevance with the demand of the product, scope of setting up the image of the brand in the target market. This includes surveys, feedback forms, interview sessions, and the like. With the help of these methods, organization will be able to gain statistical data in relevance with the customers feedbacks and their reviews. With this data, organization could launch the product or service in the target market along with making certain required amendments on the basis of target audiences requirements. This method also provides the relevant information with regards to the strategies used by the competitors and the products and services rendered and delivered by them to the target audience. With these types of data, organization could easily uplift its performance along with the gaining the competitive advantage through implementing unique and advanced strategies (Schroder, Mackaness Gittings, 2011). Further, quantities research method will help the Novotel Hotel to gain the knowledge in relevance with the customers favourability towards the hotels services and products. This will help the company to understand the effectiveness of their services and unique suggestions are also obtained from this type of research method which could be used for increasing the effectiveness of the services as well as to enhance the efficiency of the hotel in the competitive business environment (Liamputtong, 2013). Secondary research method includes the tools such as journals, articles, books, newspaper, and all other sources which provide adequate information. From these sources, organization could easily obtain information with regards to its competitors strategies, products and services delivered by them as well as the external environmental conditions. This information could be used for developing and adopting the strategies with the motive to gain the competitive advantage along with setting up the effective position in the target market (Bryman Bell, 2015). Current value analysis Value analysis is useful for the organizations in order to develop an effective brand image in the target market along with development of positive image in the international hotel industry. To establish the brand image, organization is required to examine the external business environmental conditions of the target market. With the help of this analysis, organization will be able to develop and adopt certain advanced strategies through which appropriate image could be developed in the target market. Value proposition of the Novotel Hotel are providing luxurious services to its target audience along with the development of an effective image amongst them. Novotel hotel provides accommodation facilities, food facilities and they also offer unique services such as pick and drop to its target audience. Along with this, they had positive image in the global hotel industry, they could also utilise the same while setting up the Novotel St Kilda. Apart from this, value analysis identifies t he position of the firm in the target market with various research methods available. In this report, mixture of primary and secondary research methods has been used to determine the position of the organization. With the help of this evaluation, organization has been able to identify and develop the crucial set of strategies which could help the Novotel group of hotels to set up Novotel St Kilda with the motive to provide leisured experience to its premium and other segment of audience (Clemes, Gan Ren, 2011). In order to enhance the demand of the hotel and its services in the target market, organization needs to adopt several strategies such as effective promotional and advertisement strategies. Along with these strategies, organization could use its official website for spreading awareness amongst its target and potential audience. This will help them to enhance the demand of the services introduced by the Novotel St Kilda hotel. Online booking facility should also be provided to the target audience through which organization would be able to cope up with its requirements along with the attainment of the desired goals and the objectives would also become an easier task. Novotel St Kilda hotel will also help the Australian economy in order to uplift the GDP rate which will ultimately increase the growth rate of the organization. It can be analysed that the purchasing power of Australians is quite high and it helps them to gain the experience of luxurious as well expensive services. This f actor could be utilised in an effective manner with the motive to uplift the organizational performance in the competitive business environment. The unique services provided the Novotel Hotel in Melbourne is the beachside view along with the stress free stay along with various unique activities which could help the audience to make the stay of its travellers leisured and memorable (Kang, Stein, Heo Lee, 2012). Apart from this, the Novotel group of hotels is majorly known for providing unique services to the business class people. It is expected to be one of the finest locations with the perfect escape for the business class and leisure travellers people. The Novatel St Kilda hotel will be established at the beach end which will help the hotel to increase its attractiveness. Along with this, it will also help the organization to gain large number of target audience along with the premium segment of the target market. Novotel Hotel is also known for providing healthy and safe staying environment which acts as the biggest strength as well as it helps the organization to develop a positive perception amongst the travellers and guests of the hotel. With this, they are also famous for using the high quality resources to increase the effectiveness of the hotels products and services. This factor will lead the organization to develop a strong position in the target market along with gaining adequa te competitive advantage. Along with these attractions, organization also focuses over discount and providing attractive offers strategy in terms to increase the revenues as well as to increase the brand name of the hotel in the target market. All offer and discount related list is being provided at the hotels official website along with this, for spreading the awareness amongst the public, marketing team of the hotel also uses the board hoardings and giving advertisement over television and other digital platforms (Tajeddini Trueman, 2012). Value position framework This framework consist various attributes through which the customers values in relevance with the products features and usefulness could be identified and evaluated. These are economic value, emotional value, functional value, and symbolic value and end value. Economic value for the customer describes that the money spent by the consumers should be equivalent to the satisfaction obtained from the consumption of particular product or service (Huang Sarigll, 2014). Emotional value describes that the attachment of the consumers towards the company and this could be measured by the frequent visit by the consumers in the hotel. Another value is functional value which says that the services provided by the organization are unique and those could not be found anywhere else. This aspect plays crucial role in terms to gain the competitive advantage in the target market. The last value relates to the consumers perceptions are symbolic value and it denotes to the corporate social responsibili ty fulfilled by the organization through rendering and delivering of the products and services (Shaw, Bailey Williams, 2011). Marketing promotion plan The primary objective of marketing promotion plan is to promote the companys products and services in the target market with the view to gain the desired position as well as to establish a strong position in the target market. Along with this, it is also beneficial in terms of uplifting the performance and it could be done with the help of various methods such as promotional campaigns, board hoardings and through other marketing activities (Armstrong, Kotler, Harker Brennan, 2015). Following are certain objectives of the organization which needs to be accomplished through setting up the Novotel St Kilda at the beach side: Attainment of the assumed goals and the objectives on the basis of managements expectations. Increasing the revenue of the organization from the Novotel St Kilda hotel by 15% approximately (Helm Gritsch, 2014). Setting up an effective image and developing the effective brand image in the target market. Covering the large part of the target market in the certain period of time with the view to ascertain the growth and expansion opportunities (Lee Kotler, 2011). Target market Target market for Novotel group of hotels is Melbourne currently and this city has been selected with the view to increase the global presence of the hotel along with reviewing the demand of the luxurious hotels over there. Along with the whole city, their primary market segment is the premium consumers who love to experience the leisured travelling and the business class people. In order to attract its target market audience, organization has decided to showcase the unique features and the capabilities of the Novotel St Kilda Hotel. Elements of promotional mix Promotional mix tools are effective in relevance with spreading awareness amongst the target audience. This tool is also essential for communicating with its target audience along with the spreading awareness in relevance with the promotions and the offers provided by the organization. For communicating with its target audience, organization uses various campaigns such as email marketing, direct selling, and the like. These strategies could also be utilised for promoting the products and services of the organization (Powers Loyka, 2010). Following are the crucial elements of promotional mix: Advertisement Advertisement strategies could be used for staying connected with its target audience as well as with the potential consumers. This could be done with the help of various advertisement campaigns and the sources such as advertisement through newspaper, magazines, pamphlets, board hoardings, and with the help of digital and internet sources. Along with these sources, companys official website could also be utilised. All these sources are effective enough to gain desired outcomes along with attaining the goals and the objectives of the organization (Kitchen Burgmann, 2010). Customer relationship Developing customer relationship is another crucial aspect for increasing the awareness amongst the target audience and it is also useful for retaining the customers for a long run. Providing additional discounts and unique offers to the frequent consumers of the hotel over the services of the hotel develops a positive and effective image (Sunday Bayode, 2011). There are certain another attributes such as direct marketing, sales promotion, personal selling and events. Along with this, organization could also utilise the available options such as advertisement of hotel through top rated websites like trivago, Qantas, and the like. Organization could also utilise the famous social media platforms like Facebook, instagram, and twitter (Khan, 2014). Competitive analysis Primary competitors of Crown Plaza Melbourne, Crown Plaza Melbourne, Melbourne metro pole central, Pan Pacific Melbourne, Best western plus Buckingham international, and the like. Novotel St Kilda could gain the competitive advantage it is situated at the beach end and this is the most attractive factor about this location which will help the travellers to experience the beautiful sea view from their rooms only. Along with the beachside hotel, another unique services provided by the hotel are rendering the services to make the travellers and guests refreshed and stress free (Chan Guillet, 2011). Apart from these factors, St Kilda is a beautiful location with pleasant weather conditions which makes the people feels relaxed and treasured. Management of the hotels have also adopted various strategies through which the guests will be served with unique entertainment facilities which would help the organization to uplift its performance as well as to fulfil its expectations in relevance with setting up an effective position in the target market (Zervas, Proserpio Byers, 2014). Budget allocation for the advertisement and promotional campaigns Social media: $45,000 Email marketing: $25,000 Other sources: $15,000 Television channels: $25, 00,000 Board Hoardings: $2, 00,000 Budget for events: $15, 00,000 Total $42, 85,000 Conclusion From the aforesaid discussion, it can be concluded that the effective marketing management and promotional plan includes various objectives and all of these are discussed in this report with the motive to expand the business of Novotel St Kilda Hotels business. This report includes research methods used for gathering the data, current value analysis for evaluating the needs and the value propositions of the consumers. Further, the report discuss about the marketing promotion plan with regards to enhance the demand of the hotels services in the target market. Along with this, target market, elements of promotional mix, and the budget allocation has been covered. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2015).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Bryman, A., Bell, E. (2015).Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Chan, N. L., Guillet, B. D. (2011). Investigation of social media marketing: how does the hotel industry in Hong Kong perform in marketing on social media websites?.Journal of Travel Tourism Marketing,28(4), 345-368. Clemes, M. D., Gan, C., Ren, M. (2011). 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